I set my kettle to 70°C* or 75°C and used freshly drawn water. I brew for 2 minutes in a double walled steel 600ml tea pot before pouring through an ultra fine strainer into 2 double walled glass mugs or one pint sized mug. Don’t use boiling water or brew for any longer than about 2 and a half minutes or astringent tastes will form. You can however reuse the tea leaves tea ceremony style in the pot for multiple brews at ~70°C especially if using a zisha clay teapot and tea bowls. When prepared correctly this tea hits notes of peony flowers and has a natural sweetness that is extremely satisfying. Extra sweetening and/or milk is not necessary or recommended. *All green and/or white teas should be brewed at around 70°C with the exception of Morrocan style prepared (green tea and spearmint) tea (Pollards does an excellent version) that is meant to be brewed for a long time inside a kettle with lots of sugar.